Thursday, April 14, 2011

Welcome Dinner

Ed's team decided to have a "Welcome to the Family Dinner", to welcome me back any excuse for a get together or Team Building, as they like to say. I am always up for the outing. We went to a Hokkaido Restaurant in Kawasaki, Yokohama.

We were on the 23rd floor.   It was a great view.

They are noted for their crab.  You order the dishes with this electronic pad. Danny, one of the team originally from Bunkie, Louisiana,  just keep ordering and ordering and the dishes just kept coming
Ed and I were busy peeling crab. Moses, from Malaysia, is making a toast with Saki.  Linda sitting next to Ed is originally from Lake Charles, Louisiana. The girl in front is the wife of Suresh, from India. Sorry, I can't remember her name. She is having a baby in April. The other team members are one from India, also and Australia.

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