Sakura, Cherry Blossoms, time is one of the most awaited and popular seasons in Japan. People follow the Sakura as it moves across Japan. The season was a bit late this year and of course the usual grand company parties, if held, and festivities were a lot smaller this year out of respect for the losses because of the big earthquake on March 11th.
Ed, Linda, Ed's co-worker, and I were on a walk to the next neighborhood from ours. This is a small temple on the way we came across. We just had to take a picture with the tree full of blossoms.
If you receive a bad fortune you tie it on one of the lines and pray that it goes away. This was another temple along our walk.
These Cherry Blossoms are in a small park on our walk home from church. This was when the blossoms were just getting started.
This is right outside of the building where I go for exercise classes. The area is called Ark Hills.
The tress line the street. People just stop their cars and get out and take pictures.
When I got home that day after exercise, I went up to our roof top garden to take pictures of the trees that line the streets where we live.
This is the view from the roof top of our building.
This view is from the cross walk that connects us to Mori Towers a major building filled with restaurants, shops, post office, museum, clinics, and offices. I am sure it is at least fifty stores tall.
This is a view from the cross walk in the other direction. The blossoms are hiding the children's playground to the left. Parents are always there with their children when I pass on my way to the bakery (which is very near by) or to catch the bus for exercise class. Actually, the cross walk is our gate way to a lot of places.
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