Friday, March 25, 2011


We visited Yokohama, I think it was November 14th . We were actually there the day President Obama  was there but we went mainly to visit China Town which boast of being one of the biggest China Towns in the world.  

 Harbor in Yokohama
 Everyone was running to the street to take pictures of the cars passing by. At the time we did not
remember that President Obama was visiting Yokohama.
 One of the ten gates that surround China Town. The gates are built based on the Chinese horoscope which are called Pario.
 Ed really does come with me on these adventures.

 Wow! a second picture of Ed.  He does let me use the camera sometimes.

 We bought our kids these exact same heads as their souvenir on a trip to Singapore when we lived in Malaysia.
 This gate called Zenrin-Mom Gate, highlighted in red and gold, literally means friendship between
neighboring families or countries.
They do decorate for Christmas even though they do not celebrate it with the same meaning that we do. Some Japanese are Christian. We have some that attend the church we attend.  Several are married to westerns.

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